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Generate Core Components

Location: src/containers/

Containers is the components who is connected to redux.

Create Container by cli

$ gulp createContainer --className myClassName

Example Code

Harmony Connect

Any Container connected to redux with harmonyConnect to enjoy all of Harmony features.
Read more about Harmony Connect in Base Folder Section.

import * as React from 'react';
import {baseConnect} from '@base/features/base-redux-react-connect';

interface IProps {
    languages: any;
    setActiveLanguage: Function;

class Localization extends React.Component<IProps> {
    render() {
        const { languages, setActiveLanguage } = this.props;

        return (
            <div className="locale" style={{width: '100%', padding: '10px', textAlign: 'center'}}>
                <select onChange={(event: any) => { setActiveLanguage(; }}>
               any) => (
                            <option key={lang.code} value={lang.code}>{lang.code}</option>

export default baseConnect(Localization,
    (/* state */) => {
        return {};
