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Getting started


How to read Harmony Documentation

Harmony Documentation built by steps to make it easy for you to get started and understand the full framework.
Please following the Next button at the bottom of the page.

Harmony is a boilerplate to enable fast on-boarding when it comes to developing web applications with the focus on React Redux and NodeJS. Harmony suggest new features and improve your flexibility by adding your customized features.

Harmony Boilerplate focus on performance and Best Practices to build the most updated web application


Download The Harmony project

Install Harmony

$ npm install

Start the Project

$ npm start

To use project Generators ( Generate Component etc ..) please install gulp globally

$ npm install gulp -g

Run the Project

Run for Development

$ npm start

Run for Production

$ npm run build

Using Docker

$ docker build --no-cache -t harmony-sample-image .

To run it, do the following

$ docker run -d -p 80:80 harmony-sample-image

What next ?

Congratulations, you start your first Harmony web app. Now go on and explore how to develop your next webapp easily with our feathers.