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Generate Form Containers

Form Container is similar to regular container. The only one different is that Form Container is connected with connectWithReduxForm.
Form Container give you the control to display validations, error, warnings, clear form etc... with easy way.
It work with Core Components.

Create Form Container by cli

$ gulp createFormContainer --className myClassName

Example Code

import * as React from 'react';
import { baseConnectForm } from '@base/features/base-redux-react-connect';
import { InjectedFormProps, Form } from 'redux-form';
import { IApplicationState } from 'actions/redux';
// import MyFormContainerActions, { myFormContainerSelector } from 'actions/redux/myFormContainer';

interface IProps extends InjectedFormProps {


class MyFormContainer extends React.Component<IProps> {
    render() {

        return (
            <Form onSubmit={this.props.handleSubmit(this.handleSubmit.bind(this))} >



    handleSubmit(props: IProps) {
        // handle submit here

    validate(values: any) {
        const errors = {};

        /* EXAMPLE CODE
        if (!values.title) {
            errors.title = 'someTitle';

        return errors;

export default baseConnectForm(MyFormContainer,
    (state: IApplicationState) => {
        return {


        form : 'MyFormContainerForm',
        fields: []