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i18n give you easy way to support with languages and Encapsulate all you titles and static strings in your application
to one place and easily to rename or change it.

If you are not familiar with i18n and you are not sure what is it please read :

In Our boilerplate you can easly add and use i18n.
To use i18n you need to crate a new Locale file ( a json file ) and it map it under translations

Once you done with the mapping, the translator utility will be injected to the container and you will able to use it by passing the id of your message.

Usage Example

add translation to json files

( in the example to en.json and fr.json)

  "deviceGallery": {
    "pageTitle": "gallery",
    "addToCartButton": "add to cart",
    "removeFromCartButton": "remove",
    "priceTitle": "price",
    "clearCartButton": "clear",
    "checkoutButton": "done"
  "checkout": {
    "pageTitle": "done",
    "totalPriceTitle": "final price"

add to array the language key ( 'en', 'fr' in this example)
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import { NamedLanguage } from 'react-localize-redux';
import en from './json/en.json';
import fr from './json/fr.json';

export const languageTypes: string[] | NamedLanguage[] = ['en', 'fr'];

const mapTranslations = () => {
    const translations = {};
    _.keys(en).forEach((key) => {
        translations[key] = {};
        _.each(_.keys(en[key]), (innerKey) => {
            translations[key][innerKey] = [
    return translations;

export const translations = mapTranslations();
usage inside component

The following code show you how to use the messages inside your container.

                    <h1 id="page-header">{translate('deviceGallery.pageTitle')}</h1>
                <br />
                <Form className="row">